New evidence suggests possibility of ancient life on Mars

The revelation of further substantiated evidence supporting the existence of ancient rivers on Mars holds the potential to mark a pivotal moment in the ongoing quest for signs of life on the enigmatic Red Planet.

Scientists studying Mars made some interesting discoveries about what’s inside the planet.
Initially, they thought Mars had a core (like Earth’s center) that was about 1,830 kilometers in size, which is quite large. However, this core was thought to contain elements that didn’t match what we know from experiments on Earth.

Now, they have a new idea. They believe that Mars is a bit like a layered cake on the inside. Imagine the core is like the bottom layer, made mainly of hot, molten iron. Above that, there’s a layer of molten rock, and on top of that, there’s another layer that’s only partially molten.

This new idea fits better with what we know about how seismic waves travel through Mars. These seismic waves are like vibrations that help us understand what’s inside the planet.

With this new idea, the core is smaller, about 1,650 kilometers across, and denser, which means it has more stuff packed into it. This idea also means there are fewer light elements mixed in, which matches what we know from experiments and space science.

Additionally, this layered structure could explain why Mars has magnetic signals in its crust. These signals might come from sources outside the planet.

Utilizing a synergy of resources, including data gathered from NASA’s Curiosity rover, scans of sedimentary rock layers beneath the Gulf of Mexico on our own planet, and advanced computer simulations, a group of dedicated geologists has succeeded in pinpointing the telltale signs of ancient river systems within several Martian craters.

This groundbreaking discovery emerged from a meticulous analysis of data collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover within Gale crater, a substantial impact basin etched into the Martian terrain. What this remarkable research reveals is the tantalizing possibility that the presence of rivers on Mars may have been far more pervasive in its history than previously conceived. As geoscientist Benjamin Cardenas, hailing from Penn State University and the lead author of this groundbreaking study, eloquently put it, “We’re uncovering compelling indications that Mars could have indeed been a planet graced by the winding pathways of rivers.”

On our home planet, rivers play an indispensable role in maintaining chemical, nutrient, and sedimentary cycles, all of which contribute positively to the flourishing of life. Therefore, the revelation of further substantiated evidence supporting the existence of ancient rivers on Mars holds the potential to mark a pivotal moment in the ongoing quest for signs of life on the enigmatic Red Planet. The notion that Mars may have once been a world adorned with meandering waterways could significantly enhance our understanding of its past habitability and, by extension, its prospects for harboring life, past or present. This discovery underscores the profound implications such findings have for the burgeoning field of astrobiology, offering renewed hope and enthusiasm for the exploration of our celestial neighbor and the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe.

In addition to this fantastic finding, when two separate teams of researchers harnessed data from NASA’s InSight lander and other spacecraft to delve as deep as possible into the heart of Mars within a laboratory setting, their findings shattered previous assumptions that the Red Planet bears any significant resemblance to Earth beneath its surface.

Initial data sourced from NASA’s InSight lander’s SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure) project had previously suggested that Mars housed a considerable core with relatively low density. However, the latest analysis, which incorporated an expanded dataset of seismic signals, has now unveiled a startling revelation: what was once believed to be the Martian core’s outermost layer is a substantial expanse of viscous molten rock. This discovery, in turn, suggests that the true core of Mars is likely far more diminutive than previously assumed.

Both research teams substantiated these findings by employing computer simulations and models to depict the propagation of seismic waves deep within Mars. These simulations further demonstrated that the observed seismic wave velocity, closely corresponding to that generated by the aforementioned earthquake, could only occur if Mars possessed a diminutive yet dense core composed of liquid iron, enveloped by a molten silicate layer. If the core were less dense, the seismic waves would have traveled at a swifter pace. Additionally, both research groups conducted comparisons between the density of liquid iron and the elemental composition believed to constitute the Martian core’s surface. The results unequivocally revealed that liquid iron exhibited far greater density than InSight’s prior measurements had indicated.

Consequently, what was initially perceived as the outermost boundary of the Martian core has been redefined as a distinct layer unto itself.This revelation prompts a significant reconsideration of the Martian core’s characteristics, with the revised understanding pointing toward a substantially smaller yet denser core, predominantly consisting of molten iron, possibly infused with traces of other elements.