Biden must win over Black voters

Biden must engage directly with Black communities and demonstrate a genuine commitment to their concerns.

US President Joe Biden and his team are under immense pressure to stop his slip in the polls and what appears to be waning support among vast swaths of voters.

According to Pew Research Center, “Black voters will play a key role in determining the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. And while Black voters remain overwhelmingly Democratic and support Joe Biden over Donald Trump by a wide margin, Biden’s advantage among this group is not as wide as it was four years ago.”

Notwithstanding, Black voters remain largely aligned with the Democratic Party (83% identify with or lean to the Democrats), and 77% of Black registered voters say they would prefer to vote for Biden over Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Despite their support for Biden and criticism of Trump, about half of Black voters (49%) say they would replace both Biden and Trump with different candidates if they had the ability to decide. This is similar to the share of all voters who hold this view.

For Americans overall, the economy (73%) sits at the top of the list of policy priorities for the president and Congress in 2024.

However, for Black Americans, improving the education system (79%) and ensuring Social Security is financially sound (74%) are just as important as strengthening the economy (76%).

Clear majorities of Black Americans also say reducing health care costs (72%), dealing with the problems of poor people (70%), reducing crime (68%) and addressing issues around race (65%) should be top priorities.

Biden can win over more Black voters if he addresses these issues more clearly in his campaign appearances. His speechwriters can and should focus on the concerns expressed by Black voters to placate their worries and convince them that voting Biden in for another term will guarantee an improvement on these issues.

Unfortunately, Biden is still struggling to turn America’s economy around and he will need to introduce a serious initiative before November if he hopes to win over more voters.

Earlier this month, Gallup published a report on the state of the economy and the conclusion was dismal.
“With Americans less optimistic about the state of the U.S. economy than they have been in recent months and concern about inflation persisting, their confidence in President Joe Biden to recommend or do the right thing for the economy is among the lowest Gallup has measured for any president since 2001.”

According to Gallup, “Biden’s subpar rating could have significant electoral implications as not only does he have the lowest economic rating of any president seeking reelection since Gallup began tracking this in 2001, but independents trust his opponent more than him.”

Meanwhile, a majority of Americans say while they are closely following news about the 2024 U.S. presidential election, at the same time, many people already say they are worn out by so much coverage of the campaign and candidates, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.

To regain support from more Black voters and win the election in November, President Biden must focus on several key strategies.

Investing in education at all levels, from early childhood through college, and supporting policies that reduce student loan debt will resonate well with Black voters. Implementing and publicizing efforts to forgive student loans, particularly for those from low-income backgrounds, will be a positive step.

Addressing economic inequality is crucial, and this can be done by implementing policies aimed at reducing disparities, such as increasing the minimum wage, expanding job training programs, and supporting Black-owned businesses.

Criminal justice reform remains a high priority. Biden should continue pushing for meaningful reforms, including police accountability measures, ending mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent offenses, and supporting re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. Highlighting and following through on steps taken to address systemic racism within the justice system will help regain trust.

Expanding access to affordable healthcare, particularly in communities with high uninsured rates, is also important. This can be achieved by increasing funding for community health centers and addressing disparities in healthcare outcomes.

Promoting affordable housing initiatives and programs that support first-time homebuyers, while addressing discriminatory practices in housing and mortgage lending, is essential for economic stability and growth within the Black community.

Biden must engage directly with Black communities through town halls, listening sessions, and direct communication will demonstrate a genuine commitment to their concerns.

Clear communication and accountability are vital. Biden should clearly communicate successes and ongoing efforts to improve the lives of Black Americans, be transparent about challenges and setbacks, and show a commitment to overcoming them. By focusing on these areas and demonstrating a genuine commitment to addressing the concerns of Black voters, President Biden can work to rebuild trust and support within the community, ultimately strengthening his chances in the upcoming election.