Biden is performing better than conservatives want you to believe

Critics attack Biden but their arguments do not reflect the reality - which is that Biden is doing his job well.

Conservatives have launched a series of critiques aimed at the policies and decisions of President Joe Biden, particularly concerning his handling of Afghanistan, foreign policy, and immigration. They say Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan is compared to the U.S.’s exit from Vietnam in 1975 and described as a major military humiliation. The hasty exit, critics say, resulted in a crippled U.S. deterrence worldwide.

Countries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea were perceived to be emboldened. Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly viewed Biden as indecisive or unconcerned, which emboldened Russia’s activities and encouraged it to launch a war against Ukraine.

Biden’s foreign policy decisions, such as handling the Abraham accords and relations with Saudi Arabia, are constantly criticized by conservatives for alienating allies and strengthening foes. They also accused Biden of being passive regarding China’s activities, potentially due to personal ties through his son, Hunter Biden

The southern U.S. border and immigration policies under Biden are described as lax, resulting in a significant increase in illegal crossings

They criticize the president’s silence on issues like the fentanyl crisis and Mexican President Obrador’s alleged influence on U.S. elections, and they claim the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and IRS are politically compromised.
But this is a highly critical perspective of Biden that simply does not reflect reality. In fact, Biden has done his job and it is imperative he reminds voters of this in the run-up to the 2024 elections.

The statistics indicate a marked improvement in various sectors. As Biden spearheads these initiatives, the central question remains: can he capture the public’s attention and make them recognize these strides? Only time will tell if this fresh endeavor will alter voter perceptions regarding the economy.

Data from the Treasury Department reveals that almost 65% of the counties reaping the rewards of IRA-related investments are grappling with poverty rates that surpass the national average. A comprehensive report from the Bank of America posits that a staggering 86,000 jobs and a hefty sum of $132 billion in private investments are attributed to just 270 clean energy projects.

At this juncture, Biden’s approval ratings surpass those of Ronald Reagan. Considering Reagan’s landslide victory of 49 states in his 1984 reelection campaign, this underscores the unpredictability of approval ratings as a determinant so far ahead of Election Day.

However, drawing parallels between Biden and presidents like Johnson or Truman may not be entirely apt. Biden isn’t entangled in directing a war with US deployment. On the contrary, he concluded the two-decade-long conflict in Afghanistan

Busting some circulating myths, the US economy is not languishing in recession. The past quarter saw a modest yet consistent economic growth of 2.7 percent. Unemployment rates are at their nadir since 1969. Even though inflation is somewhat heightened, it’s on a decline, or at least remaining consistent. Furthermore, wages are on a notable upswing, particularly for those in service and manual labor sectors without advanced education.

Biden’s leadership has significantly contributed to this economic stability. Indeed, presidents often get more credit or blame than they might deserve for economic circumstances. However, in this case, Biden’s proactive approach made a difference.

Biden championed a whopping $1.9 trillion package known as the American Rescue Plan. This initiative ensured that employment and wage growth maintained momentum even as measures from the Trump administration waned.

All these details paint a promising picture. It suggests that Biden is fulfilling his duties and responsibilities as an elected representative. However, the pivotal concern is whether these accomplishments will dominate the thoughts of Americans when they cast their votes next year. Ensuring that these achievements remain at the forefront is Biden’s crucial role as an electoral candidate – if he decides to run. Regardless, the data and statistics speak for themselves – Biden is excelling in his presidential role.