How Gaza will be rebuilt

Tomorrow, the Palestinians of Gaza will be given a new life. Let’s hope they make the most of it and this time, work to prevent another terror group from rising up to control their lives.

Images of entire neighbourhoods flattened by the Israeli Air Force fill our screens as Israel attacks Gaza in an effort to free over 200 hostages after Hamas murdered over 1,400 men, women, and children, and kidnapped over 200.

While Israel is inside Gaza, ploughing its way through roads and buildings, it is impossible to escape the question: How is this all going to get rebuilt. The answer? The international community.
Assuming Israel succeeds in its plan to eradicate Hamas, the Palestinian people will need immediate access to basic necessities such as housing, food, water, fuel, electricity, sewage management and trash removal.

First and foremost, a reconstruction team should be organized, with experts from around the world on all aspects of building a city.

It will become immediately necessary to build as much housing in the shortest amount of time as possible with proper infrastructure. The body in charge of Gaza’s reconstruction will need to identify the businesses needed for ordinary life such as bakeries and supermarkets and facilitate their opening as speedily as possible.

Field hospitals will need to be set up until a fully functioning hospital is rebuilt and a cell phone network as well as internet services will need to be put in place to allow for full communications and connectivity.
With Hamas gone, Palestinian civilians should be given the opportunity to travel freely between Gaza and Egypt with the ability to travel abroad as well. Gazans will discover a newfound freedom they did not have while living under the oppressive rule of Hamas.

UNRWA, or a similar body, will need to take responsibility for elementary and high schools including higher education, by establishing colleges and universities. Gazan youth deserve a better future and that begins with a better education.

As Germany underwent de-Nazification, so Gaza must undergo some level of deprogramming in terms of the prevalent anti-Semitic, anti-Zionistic sentiments that have long been a mainstay of Hamas rule there. A new program will need to be set up that deals with this issue and all educational programs will need to incorporate this to ensure a more peaceful future. The idea that violence will achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian people must be eradicated from Palestinian literature, television shows, and educational textbooks.

It will be essential to remove any incitement against Israel to ensure that the level of hatred that has long gripped Gaza does not rise again.

Moving forward, Gaza’s economy will need to be rethought. The Egypt with border can and should become a main hub for the entry and exit of goods. In addition, the previously shelved idea of an airport and seaport for Gaza should be dusted off and revisited. There is no reason for Gaza to lack these points of entry and exit as well.

Israel and Egypt will be accommodating as long as their security needs are satisfied and the methods for weapons scanning, and detection are in place. All goods entering Gaza will need to be inspected to ensure Israel no longer needs to deal with a terror threat on its western border.

Once entering Gaza, those goods must be fairly distributed among the civilians in a fair way. Citizens of Gaza, likewise, should be given equal and fair opportunities to get an education and obtain good-paying jobs that offer an avenue out of poverty and hope for a better life.

For too long, Gaza’s million Palestinians were oppressed by a brtal terror organization. Today, this is changing. Tomorrow, the Palestinians of Gaza will be given a new life. Let’s hope they make the most of it and this time, work to prevent another terror group from rising up to control their lives.

Gaza can be a beautiful place to live with a bright future for its inhabitants. Let’s hope Israel works to accommodate such a scenario and that the Palestinians themselves recognize this as well.